Piano Tuner Near Me – Finding The Best Piano Tuner

piano tuner near meAre you looking for a new piano tuner? Or maybe you’re looking for your first one.

If you’ve recently bought or been gifted with a piano, you’re probably asking yourself: “How do I find a Piano Tuner near me?”

And when I looked around a bit online in order to find out how I could help my potential customers find me, I discovered that this is actually a very common question. That’s why I decided to write up a quick guide to help you with finding and deciding on the best piano tuner for your needs.

As you check out my website, you may also notice that I usually feature an image of a piano with each article, but this time I have decided to include a photo of myself. After all, you need to see the person who will come to your home and work on your piano, to make sure you’ll feel comfortable with him (in my case) or her.

Piano Tuner Near Me – Why That’s Important

Why is it important to find a piano tuner near you? Or at least, why should you start your search there?

Piano tunings are usually scheduled ahead of time, so you will rarely have a piano tuning emergency. Still, you may have planned a get-together involving a piano recital or a singalong, and you may notice at the last minute that your piano is out of tune. Oops. What to do?

If you already know a piano tuner near you, you can call him and have your piano tuned quickly, especially if you have an established relationship with him.

You may also wonder, exactly how “near” is “near me”? If your piano technician is available on short notice, at least if there’s an emergency, and can easily come to your home, that’s near enough.

A Little About Me, Your Richmond Piano Tuner

My own home base is Henrico County, very close to the City of Richmond, and I tune pianos all over the Greater Richmond Area as well as Central Virginia, including the surrounding cities and counties.

In case you’re wondering… No, I don’t usually drive from Chesterfield to Mechanicsville to the Richmond Fan to Windsor Farms to Ashland to New Kent County all in one day. That would be impractical as well as a huge waste of time and fuel.

Instead, I schedule tunings in the Chesterfield area for one day, then those near Ashland for another day, and those in Mechanicsville and Hanover for yet another day. I think you get the idea.

However, if someone calls with an emergency, especially if it’s an established client, I’ll work hard on fitting them in.

How Do I Find A Piano Tuner Near Me

As you can see, it’s important to find a piano tuner you like AND who can come to your home in a reasonably short time.

So how do I go about finding a piano tuner near me?

Step 1:

Start with Google. You can literally type in “Piano Tuner Near Me” and you’ll find some good options. If you’re in the Greater Richmond Area or in Central Virginia, you’ll find Southern Piano Service among the top options. That’s my site, the one you’re looking at right now! And here’s some more information about me.

Step 2:

Check out some of the websites. Look for informative websites that feature piano tuners that seem friendly and competent, and who offer what you’re looking for.

Step 3:

Call your top candidates. Based on their websites, pick out your favorite choices and give them a call. As you talk to them, you quickly get a sense of whether you’ll be comfortable with that person.

My number is 804-677-2416

Please note that I prefer text messages and will respond very quickly when you send one. Since I may well be in the middle of a tuning, it’s much easier and faster to check my phone than having to call in to my voice mail and retrieve your message. I can quickly hit “reply” and send a response.

Of course, if your phone does not have text messaging capabilities, please do leave a message and I’ll be happy to call you back as soon as I can (although depending on how busy I am that day, it may not be until the evening).

Booking a Piano Tuning

The next step is to book a tuning with your preferred choice of piano tuner. It’s something you’ll have to do anyway, sooner or later, and it gives you a chance to meet your new piano tuner and find out how you get along.

If you’re happy, you’ll have found the perfect piano tuner “near me” and will know whom to call for any of your piano needs in the future.

I look forward to speaking with you soon, and to keeping your piano in tune.

One thought on “Piano Tuner Near Me – Finding The Best Piano Tuner

  1. Pingback: Popular Central Virginia Piano Tuner Offers Advice On How Piano Owners Can Find The Best Piano Tuner Near Their Location | SproutNews

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