Summer Piano Care Tips

summer piano careIt’s been mighty hot for months now. With that kind of heat and humidity, your piano needs special care. So I’ve written up some summer piano care tips to help you make sure your piano will continue to sound great.

As you know, I’m an expert piano tuner, and I tune pianos all over Central Virginia and the Greater Richmond Area. If you’re not sure your climate control is adequate for your piano, or whether the A/C vents are too close, I’ll be happy to check it out while I do a tuning, and make suggestions for how to remedy the situation.

Summer Piano Care Tips

What to look out for:

1) Consistent room temperature

It’s important to keep the temperature of your home (or at least the room where you keep your piano) relatively consistent all year long. Normal “room temperature” – in the low to mid 70s – is perfect.

2) Consistent humidity

Next, you should also be sure to keep the humidity levels steady throughout the year. This means that you should use a humidifier during the winter since heating can dry out the air. In summer, on the other hand, the air will get far too humid. If you have central air conditioning, your humidity levels should be okay. Otherwise, be sure to keep tabs on them, and get a dehumidifier if needed.

3) Keep your piano away from drafts and vents

Be sure to keep your piano safely away from drafts as well as heating and/or air conditioning vents. There’s no faster way to cause problems than to have cold air blasted on your piano.

What to do if you need to move your piano?

If you find that your piano is located in a “danger zone,” and you need to move it, I can help with that as well. I work with a team of expert piano movers who can move the piano safely across the room, into a different room, or even across town or the state. They know what it takes to move a piano properly to ensure its safety.

What if your piano has already suffered from exposure to excessive heat and/or humidity?

If your piano has already been exposed and you notice changes in sound quality, for example, or the way it feels when you play (i.e., sticky keys), it may be time for repairs. Don’t let it go too far – the damage will only get worse and extensive, which could require repairs that can cost far more than if you had taken action right away.

As I said, I’d be happy to check your piano to ensure you’ll catch problems before they cause damage. In a worst case scenario, if some damage has already occurred, at least this will help you catch it while it’s still contained so you can fix it before it gets worse.

How to schedule your piano tuning visit?

Just call me or send me a text message at 804-677-2416 and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

After all, I want you to enjoy the summer AND your piano!