Category Archives: Piano Tuning

Taking Care Of Your Piano

puppy-on-piano-anairam_zeravla-file5393416dc10a8As a proud owner of a piano, whether it’s an upright or a baby grand, you know how important it is to take care of your piano. After all, you want it to perform at its best for many years to come.

But what exactly does it mean to take care of your piano? Wiping it down with a dust cloth? Making sure the kids wash their hands before practicing their scales? Getting it tuned once a year?

All of the above are part of it, but there’s a lot more that doesn’t really meet the eye.

So what else do you need to do?

Give it some thought… Your piano is sensitive to temperature and its environment. Make sure it’s kept in a temperate room, away from excess heat or cold. Keep it away from drafts, whether they’re caused by leaky windows or by air conditioning vents.

And also keep it away from direct sunlight.

Why? You know why the cat likes to hang out in the sunny spot? Because it’s WARM. So sunshine filtered through window glass generates heat, and that’s not something you want your piano exposed to. Temperature fluctuations are not a good thing when it comes to musical instruments. They’re hard on the wood, and they can also make the piano go out of tune faster than normal.

Want more tips on how to keep your piano in shape? I’ve written a special report with 7 tips. Just type your contact info into the form below and I’ll send it to your email address right away!

Special Report Reveals How To Take Care Of Your Piano!

Get Your FREE “7 Piano Tips” Report Below:



    Piano Tuning

    Is your piano out of tune? You may wonder what to expect when you have a piano tuner come over in order to tune your piano.

    What I do during a Piano Tuning call

    Here’s what I do on a standard piano tuning call:

    Before I start the tuning itself, I check all the keys repeatedly to make sure they are playing to the customer’s satisfaction. Many times a customer will inform me over the phone that there are sticking keys or strange buzzing noises coming from the piano. One of the most challenging and satisfying parts of being a piano tuner is the mystery of diagnosing and then correcting these issues.

    Once the problems facing the piano have been addressed, I can then begin the actual piano tuning itself. Quite often the piano hasn’t been tuned in several years and is in need of pitch raising, (think tuning twice in one visit). Whatever the situation with the piano may be, I will always work with the customer to find the most appropriate and economical course of action to bring the instrument to its best potential.

    And of course, all this means that I’ll be doing this work wherever you keep your piano, usually at your home. Which areas do I cover? I tune pianos in all of the following Central Virginia areas (in no particular order): Ashland, Mechanicsville, Sandston, Montpelier, Goochland, Hanover, Beaverdam, Doswell, Manakin-Sabot, Oilville, and more. Of course I also move pianos and restore them, and for those types of assignments, I often go well beyond my normal area.

    Questions? Please call me to find out when I’ll be in your area and can take care of YOUR piano: 804-677-2416