Tag Archives: goochland piano tuner

Piano Tuning Cost & Piano Moving Cost: Your Questions Answered

piano tuning costAre you wondering how much it costs to tune a piano – or to move a piano? I am often asked why I don’t put prices on my website. In this post, I’m going to answer some questions about Piano Tuning Cost & Piano Moving Cost.

Imagine you asked a car mechanic how much it would cost to repair a car. It made strange noises and you were shopping for the best rate from several car repair places. I bet the first question you’d get is what kind of car you have, and then they would tell you that they would have to take a look before they could give you an estimate.

After all, it would make a huge difference in price whether you had a Toyota or a BMW, a Volkswagen or a Mercedes. And that’s not the end of it. They need to know which model it is, i.e., whether your Toyota is a Corolla, a Camry, a Prius, or a Highlander.

And so it is with pianos…

Piano Tuning Cost

So when someone calls me to find out how much I charge for tuning a piano, I usually Continue reading